Factory 4/23 Moore Road, Airport West VIC 3042

 03 9330 0744

0414 556 564


Factory 4/23 Moore Road, Airport West VIC 3042

 03 9330 0744

0414 556 564



The prices listed on this page are intended to give a general idea of the
cost incurred for Plastic Media Blasting services.

To Plastic blast only the following items:

• Doors from $100

• Guards from $100

• Bonnets one side side $150 both sides from $200

• Boot lids one side $120 and both sides from $150

• Aluminium Wheels from $50

• Plastic bead blast a car that has been completely   disassembled
This would include the body shell, doors, guards, bonnet and boot lid.

This is for blasting on all external sides from $1500.00

All prices listed are approximates. Actual prices may vary on some applications.